Hey friends!
It has been a roller coaster ride for us the last few months…Exciting world-changing work has been blossoming even as we’ve been managing an unexpected funding crisis. Thanks to everyone who stepped up to the plate to keep things moving forward, and we’re thrilled to share how your dollars have been at work these last few months. With that, let’s jump right in!
Farm in a Barrel
The last few months have been incredible for Farm in a Barrel. We have linked up with Point Hope, and have co-fundraised the starting costs to bring 6 Farm in a Barrel systems to the communities they serve (see below!). Additionally, a generous donor near Cape Coast (western part of Ghana) has provided funds for 3 more beneficiaries to start Farm in a Barrel. We are starting to see this program start to thrive, which is exhilarating to say the least. Lastly, we are preparing to build our brooder house for the chickens, which will make the program more efficient and put more income in the hands of those who need it the most!
Meet a few of the new FIAB beneficiaries!
Apra Village – This is Ruth and her family (she has seven children, but only four were present when this photo was taken). Ruth is 35 years old, a single mother and a farmer. Two of her children are enrolled in Point Hope’s supplementary feeding program, but due to the lack of money and access to food, the weekly food rations are shared by all the children. The father is not present and does not give any monetary support to the family. Since all of her children are under 18 years old, she is the sole bread-winner of the family. She works a small area of land, which has not been fruitful recently due to the major drought that has impacted the area.
Bentum Village – Pictured here is Adam (Director/Nutritionist at Point Hope Ghana) along with little Oliver (2) and his siblings, Winfred (11), Edward (8) and Konadu (5). Oliver, being held by his brother, is enrolled in Point Hope’s supplementary feeding program. Oliver was recently diagnosed with an extremely rare form of eye cancer called retinoblastoma. His father has abandoned his family, and his mother, Agnes (a farmer), has been left to fend for her children. This family is especially vulnerable now that Oliver must go through several months of medical care. Since Oliver’s mother will be busy taking care of him and attending to his medical needs, the farm-in-a-barrel will be managed mostly by his aunt, who will share the profits with Oliver’s family.
Loye Village – The woman on the left is Mary, a small-scale farmer who is also the grandmother of the two children in the photo. Nathan, on the right, was recently identified as malnourished and is now enrolled in PHG’s supplementary feeding program. His cousin, Richmond, is now an orphan because his mother, Mary’s daughter, who was the major breadwinner of this family, passed away during his birth.
Village Drill
Our team continues to develop the vision for our Village Drill project, and has engaged on several scouting trips and have built relationships with new partners whose job is to find opportunities for us to drill. We were able to assist the drilling effort of another well in May, which was incredible even though we faced some challenges. The team is ready to go, we just need to remain committed to find partners to help fund and secure business to put this great technology to work. We know we have a competitive business model, it’s just a matter of getting the word out there! Stay tuned for more updates, and let us know if you want to throw your own fundraising party to bring clean water to those in need!
Mission Month
We are getting ready to go to Ghana this December / January! We have a wonderful location set on the Point Hope base that includes a local breakfast and dinner served every day. We also have a packed itinerary filled with adventure & impact. We are scheduling interview calls for those interested in July, and hope to have a roster confirmed by the end of August. If you are interested, download the PDF below and contact us to schedule a time to learn more.
Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your summer!
-Kris Asleson